
Our dedicated staff meticulously craft each product at our in-house factory.
Our dedicated staff meticulously craft
each product at our in-house factory.
The appearance of our own factory
Product photos from our own factory

Strengths of Yamahira's In-House Factory and Equipment

Owning an in-house factory allows Yamahira to manage every step of the production process, from raw material intake to processing, packaging, and shipping. This integrated approach ensures thorough quality and hygiene control, enabling the consistent delivery of safe, reliable products. The factory features state-of-the-art sterilization equipment, drying facilities, vacuum packing machines, rapid freezing systems, and cold storage. These advanced technologies preserve the freshness and flavor of the products while extending their shelf life, ensuring high-quality offerings.

Appearance of our own factory 1
Product photos from our own factory 2
Staff work scene at our own factory
Photos of the latest equipment in our own factory
Staff work scene at our own factory 2
Photos of the latest equipment in our own factory 2

Strengths of Specialized Staff

One of Yamahira’s key advantages lies in its team of skilled professionals with extensive expertise in seafood processing. Their years of experience and technical knowledge enable them to tailor processing methods to the unique characteristics of each ingredient, maximizing the flavor and nutritional value of the seafood. Additionally, the quality control team meticulously inspects each stage of production, preventing non-compliant products from entering the market and ensuring consistent delivery of reliable, high-quality offerings.

By combining state-of-the-art facilities with the expertise of highly trained staff, Yamahira achieves an unparalleled standard of quality in seafood products, distinguishing itself from competitors.

Business Licenses

  • Seafood Product Manufacturing Business / 04 Minamichikuho No. 0050430
  • Sealed Packaged Food Manufacturing Business / 05 Minamichikuho No. 1000424
  • Prepared Food Manufacturing Business / 28 Minamichikuho No. 0010207
  • Freezing or Refrigeration of Food Business / 29 Minamichikuho No. 0100040
  • Fishery Sales Business / 05 Minamichikuho No. 1003004
  • Restaurant Business / 29 Minamichikuho No. 0100038
  • Strengths of specialized staff Photo 1
  • Strengths of specialized staff Photo 2
  • Strengths of specialized staff Photo 3

Types of Equipment and Machinery

  1. Electrolyzed Water Generators (Acidic/Alkaline)
  2. Ozone Air and Ozone Water Generators
  3. Ice Makers
  4. Food Dryers
  5. Pressure and Heat Sterilization Equipment (Retort Sterilizers)
  6. Vacuum Packaging Machines
  7. Nitrogen Gas-Filling Sealers
  8. Rapid Freezing and Cooling Units
  9. Rotary Electric Wafer Baking Machines
  10. Multi-Mill (Crusher)
  11. Metal Detectors
  12. Pillow Packaging Machines
  13. Custom Shrimp Center-Cut Machines
  14. Angled Fish Fillet Slicers
  15. Shrink Wrapping Machines
  16. Pack Sealers
  17. Mixers (For kneading and blending)
  18. Other specialized machinery

Products Processed and Manufactured at Yamahira

Utilizing the abundant marine resources from the Ariake Sea, Yamahira combines expert craftsmanship with state-of-the-art equipment to deliver high-quality processed products.
By carefully processing and manufacturing fresh ingredients, we create products that enhance the unique flavors of the region. These offerings help to share the charm of Yanagawa and the surrounding areas across the nation.
With a mission to preserve and share the region's culinary culture for future generations and introduce it to the world, we dedicate ourselves daily to crafting products with heartfelt care and precision.

World Fish Feast Series Product Lineup THE さBAR (THE SaBAR) Series

    • THE さBAR またいちの塩|THE saBAR Mataichi Salt (Smoked Salt Mackerel)
      THE さBAR またいちの塩
    • THE さBAR やがための塩|THE saBAR Yagatame Salt (Smoked Salt Mackerel)
      THE saBAR Yagatame Salt
      (Smoked Salt Mackerel)
    • THE さBAR 明太子|THE saBAR Mentaiko (Smoked Mackerel Seasened with Cod Roe)
      THE saBAR Mentaiko
      (Smoked Mackerel Seasened with Cod Roe)
    • THE さBAR 大辛|THE saBAR Ookara (Smoked Masckerel Extra Spicy)
      THE saBAR Ookara
      (Smoked Masckerel Extra Spicy)
    • THE さBAR 熟成にんにく|THE saBAR Kanjuku Ninniku (Smoked Mackerel with Aged Garlic)
      THE saBAR Kanjuku Ninniku
      (Smoked Mackerel with Aged Garlic)

Shrimp Products

    • まんまえびせん|Manma Ebisen (Whole Shiba Shrimp Crackers)
      Manma Ebisen
      (Whole Shiba Shrimp Crackers)
    • うすやきえびせん|Usuyaki Ebisen (Akiami paste Shrimp Crackers)
      Usuyaki Ebisen
      (Akiami paste Shrimp Crackers)

Eel Products

    • うなぎのカリカリ|Unagi no Karikari Mataichi Salt (Crispy Eal bones)
      Unagi no Karikari
      Mataichi Salt
      (Crispy Eal bones)
    • うなぎのカリカリ(またいちの塩)|Unagi no Karikari (Crispy Eal bones)
      Unagi no Karikari
      (Crispy Eal bones)

Seasoned Toppings (Furikake)

    • 有明海むつごろうふりかけ|Ariakekai Mutsugorou Furikake (Ariake Sea Mudskipper Furikake)
      Ariakekai Mutsugorou Furikake
      (Ariake Sea Mudskipper Furikake)
    • エイリアンふりかけ|Alien Furikake (Warasubo"Green Eel Goby" Furikake)
      Alien Furikake
      (Warasubo"Green Eel Goby" Furikake)
    • SMOKED NORI 燻製生海苔|SMOKED NORI-Kunsei Nama Nori- (Smoked Seaweed Tsukudani)-
      SMOKED NORI-Kunsei Nama Nori-
      (Smoked Seaweed Tsukudani)-
    • 真えびふりかけ|Maebi Furikake (Shiba Shrimp Furikake)
      Maebi Furikake
      (Shiba Shrimp Furikake)

Crunchy Series (PoliPoli)

    • ポリポリむつごろう|Polipoli Mutsugorou (Ariake Sea Mudskipper Crackers)
      Polipoli Mutsugorou
      (Ariake Sea Mudskipper Crackers)
    • ポリポリわらすぼ|Polipoli Warasubo (Warasubo"Green Eel Goby" Crackers)
      Polipoli Warasubo
      (Warasubo"Green Eel Goby" Crackers)
    • ポリポリえつご|Polipoli Etsugo (Japanese Grenadier Anchovy Crackers)
      Polipoli Etsugo
      (Japanese Grenadier Anchovy Crackers)

Various Frozen Products

    • 有明海の白ひげ(つりえさ)|Ariakekai no Shirohige (Fishing Bait -Ariake Sea's SHIRATA Shrimp-)
      Ariakekai no Shirohige
      (Fishing Bait
      -Ariake Sea's SHIRATA Shrimp-)
    • 有明海産あみ漬け|Amiduke (Salted Akiami paste shrimp from the Ariake Sea)
      (Salted Akiami paste shrimp
      from the Ariake Sea)
    • 金のごまさば|Kin no Gomasaba (Mackerel Served with Sesame and Soy Sauce)
      Kin no Gomasaba
      (Mackerel Served with Sesame
      and Soy Sauce)

We are also dedicated to the planning and production of regional specialty ramen and My Ramen.

We specialize in the planning and production of original ramen made from locally sourced ingredients, as well as creating ramen tailored to various events across the country. With a wealth of experience and proven results, we invite you to reach out to us for any inquiries or collaborations. logo
    • むつごろうラーメン|Mutsugoro Ramen
      Mutsugoro Ramen
    • うなぎラーメン|Unagi Ramen
      Unagi Ramen
    • エイリアンラーメン|Alien Ramen
      Alien Ramen
    • あまおうラーメン|Amao Ramen
      Amao Ramen
    • めんたい子ラーメン|Mentaiko Ramen
      Mentaiko Ramen
    • 淡路島 はもちゃん ラーメン|Awaji Hamo-chan Ramen
      Awaji Hamo-chan Ramen
    • 四国 一本釣り カツオラーメン|Shikoku Ipponzuri Katsuo Ramen
      Shikoku Ipponzuri Katsuo Ramen
    • 三重尾鷲マグロラーメン|Mie Owase Tuna Ramen
      Mie Owase Tuna Ramen
    • カレー焼きそば|Miyazu Curry Yakisoba
      Miyazu Curry Yakisoba
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